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Sun Nov 24 2024
Great news for Nintendo 64 fans! RetroFlag, the retro equipment manufacturer, has just unveiled the 64PiCase, the first case compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5.
For the moment, no technical details have been released. So we're content to share a few photos below, which you've probably already seen on our social networks.
[The 64-bit console ( has been faithfully reproduced in its limited translucent turquoise version. Two USB ports can be seen on the front, while the original Raspberry Pi 5 ports (Ethernet, power, HDMI, USB and microSD card access) are on the rear. As usual, RetroFlag will offer a Safe Shutdown/Reset system with the appropriate buttons.
For the moment, no information or photos concerning ventilation have been revealed. However, given RetroFlag's previous productions, it seems inconceivable that the case would not feature a ventilation system. We therefore remain optimistic on this subject.
As usual, RetroFlag offers a small compartment for Micro SD cards, positioned in place of the memory extension.
The 64PiCase should be available in France early next year at an announced price of 39 €, making it the most expensive case in the RetroFlag range.
⚠️ Please note that the case will only be compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5. If you own an RGB Dual or are planning to purchase the future All in One, these two Recalbox accessories, being HATs, will not be compatible with the 64PiCase.
Finally, as a reminder, Raspberry Pi 4 owners can already enjoy several RetroFlag cases inspired by the NES, Super NES and PlayStation. For fans of portable consoles who own a Raspberry Pi ZERO (and Pi ZERO 2W), RetroFlag offers the excellent GPI Case 2W, inspired by Game Boy.